Workers Compensation


What Is Workers Compensation?

Workers' compensation is a type of state required insurance that provides benefits to employees who suffer job-related illnesses or injuries. California has some of the strictest guidelines when it comes to work comp or employee related injury or illness claims. Therefore, it’s important to stay informed as rules are often changing

What are some things Workers Compensation Covers a business against?

  • Injuries suffered while a worker was committing a serious crime
  • Employee injured while not on the job
  • Self-inflicted injuries
  • When an employee violates company policy and get injured or ill.
  • Repetitive stress injuries resulting from working such as chronic knee problems.

Here are a few things Workers Compensation does not cover against.

  • 10-99 contractors
  • Employees who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Volunteer employees

One of the biggest mistakes we see companies make is not following the California Assembly bill 5 (AB-5) which was signed into law September 2019. This law removes the legal use of most 10-99 contractors and requires businesses to continue employment only under a W-2 filing basis.

We are here to make sure you do not repeat many of the common mistakes employer’s make when operating in California.

Consider Buying Workers Compensation if You:

  • Are starting a new venture and plan on hiring or are hiring for the first time.
  • Have changed any job descriptions for employees.
  • Are looking to stay California compliant.
  • If the nature of your business operations has changed, you need to adjust Workers Compensation to properly cover employee daily duties.

How to select the right Work-Comp coverage for your business:

Every type of work done by an employee has its own specific 4 digit class code. This code works almost like a tax, for every dollar amount an employee receives, the Class-Code for that specific type of work they are doing will be charged. It is vital for a company to list their employees and payroll amounts with the correct Class-Code. Employee’s injured on the job or doing work they are not supposed to, can result in a denial of Work Comp claim.

We offer a huge selection of rates with the top competitors in the industry to insure you are not spending too much, but also maintaining your employees with proper coverage in-force, in-case they do become injured on the job.

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